République des Philippines

4. Bibliographie


AQUILAR, Delia D. Filipino Housewives Speak, Ed. Marjorie Evasco, Manille, Institute of Women's Studies, St. Scholastica's College, 1991, 196 p.

BRANDS, H. W. Bound to Empire: The United States and the Philippines. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992, 384 p.

CARLOS, Clarita R. History of Electoral Reforms in the Philippines: Pre-Spanish to 1998, Berlin, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, 1998, 179 p.

DALISAY, Jose Y. The Lavas: A Filipino Family, Pasig City, Philippines, Anvil Publishing, 1999, 172 p.

GAUTHIER, François, Jacques LECLERC et Jacques MAURAIS. Langues et constitutions, Montréal/Paris, Office de la langue française / Conseil international de la langue française, 1993, 131 p.

HAGÈGE, Claude. Halte à la mort des langues, Paris, Éditions Odile Jacob, 2000, 402 p. 

LANDÉ, Carl H. "Authoritarian Rule in the Philippines: Some Critical Views." (A review article.) dans Pacific Affairs [Vancouver], 55, n° 1, printemps 1982, p. 80-93.

MALIN, Herbert S. "The Philippines in 1984: Grappling with Crisis", dans Asian Survey, 25, n° 2, février 1985, p. 198-205.

MAY, Glenn Anthony. Social Engineering in the Philippines: The Aims, Execution, and Impact of American Colonial Policy, 1900-13, Contributions to Comparative Colonial Studies, n° 2, Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1980.

MILLER, Jacob R. «The Politics of Philippine National Language Policy» dans Language Problems and Language Planning, Texas, vol. 5, no 2, Summer 1981, p. 136-151.

MILLER, Stuart Creighton. "Benevolent Assimilation" dans The American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899-1903, New Haven (Connecticut), Yale University Press, 1982, 340 p.

RAMOS, Maximo. «Language Policy in South and Southeast Asia, with implications for the Philippines» dans The Determination and Implementation of Language Policy, New Yok, Oceana Publications Inc., 1967, p. 1-17.

SALMAN, Michael. The Embarrassment of Slavery: Controversies Over Bondage and Nationalism in the American Colonial Philippines, Berkeley (Californie), University of California Press, 2001, 335 p.

SIBAYAN Bonifacio P. «The Implementation of Language Policy» dans The Determination and Implementation of Language Policy, New York, Oceana Publications Inc., 1967, p. 126-190.

TALENT, Sylvie. La France et les Philippines 1896-1906, mémoire pour le D.E.S., Faculté des lettres, Aix-en-Provence, 1966-67, 212 p.

Dernière révision: 30 déc. 2023


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